1. Full Name
First Name
Last Name
2. Email Address
3. Current Address
You may need to enter something into each box!
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
4. Mobile Phone Number and any other relevant contact number
5. Date of Birth
6. How is your current property held by you?
We want to know if you rent, live with parents, are an owner, in student halls or work provided accommodation?
7. Current Landlord/Referee Name and contact email, their address and phone number
9. Who do you work for?
10. Employer HR Email
11. How will you prove your right to rent?
British Passport
Irish Passport
UK Driving Licence and Birth Certificate
BRP and Right to Rent Share code
I don't know
12. How will you pay for the deposit?
Own savings
Borrow from friend or family
13. Do any of the following apply?
Sometimes Work Nights
Sometimes Work at Home
Often Stay Away with Work
I will need to study now and then
I smoke / use Vapour products
None of the above
Parking is Essential
16. Next of Kin Name, Address, Phone number, email and their relationship to you.
17. Have you ever been made bankrupt or entered into a voluntary arrangement of any kind with your creditors?
Voluntary Arrangement with Creditors
None of the above
19. I understand that Lancashire Hill Ltd, as a data controller, has a legitimate interest in processing the data contained in this document to decide on my suitability as a tenant. I understand that the Agent / Landlord may have to share this data with third parties to establish my suitability as a tenant. I confirm that I have been provided with access to the Landlord’s Privacy Notice which outlines who this information may be shared with, how long the information will be held, my rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as the lawful bases for sharing this data with third parties. I confirm that where I have shared information relating to third parties in this application I have the consent of the third parties concerned to do so. I consent to receiving my copy of ‘How to rent: a checklist for renting in England’, the gas safety certificate, the Energy Performance Report (where applicable) and the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) or any other documentation relating to the proposed tenancy via the given email address for myself above.
I have read, understand and consent to the above
20. I agree to the Agent making whatever enquiries, including a credit check, deemed necessary in connection with this application for a tenancy. I authorise my employer, my bank / building society, a local authority (if I was previously a council tenant), current or former landlord, and the personal referee named, to provide information about me, any prior tenancy history, and any employment / financial affairs as appropriate to the Landlord's enquiries. I understand that I have to provide original documents proving I have the right to rent property in the United Kingdom for all potential occupiers in the presence of the landlord or the agent. I understand that if I do not provide these documents for all occupiers then I will not be granted a tenancy. I consent to a credit check being carried out in relation to myself which will be conducted on the landlord’s behalf by LANCASHIRE HILL LTD via VOUCH Tenant Referencing.
I have read, understand and consent to the above.
21. When I enter today's date below and click 'SUBMIT' I am electronically signing this form and understand that the checks may now be completed.
Thank you for submitting your application!
Look out for an email from hello@lancashirehill.co.uk with the next steps.
Please kindly let us now on this email if you decide not to proceed with the application or if you have any questions.
Thank you.